Stan have you gotten into brass trains yet. That is probably my next step. The details you are able to replicate with brass rolling stock is impressive.
going back to my late teens ( pioneer days ) i was friendly with Brian C--a fellow pio-dub. i helped him building an N gauge American mountain "pike" in a basement--floor to ceiling scenery . this was in the late 1960's.
Brian went on to model American HO gauge brass--and became a very skilled painter / detailer of them...doing commissions for customers all over the world, becoming renowned for it to this day.
The well known Pete Waterman wrote an article years back in the Peco "Railway Modeller " magazine and mentioned Brian as being his right hand man in connection with his model rail locomotive manufacturing business ( Just Like The Real Thing ), making brass locos.
i lost all contact with Brian after i got divorced and severed all further connection to the cult. I wonder if Brian is still a dub ?..if hes still alive.